Verge chronicles the journey of 7 musicians pursuing musical acclaim in Memphis, TN. Nick, Faith, Marco, Brennan, Kyndle, Black Rock Revival, and Keia take us on a pursuit of self-discovery and determination in their quest to find success admist day-to-day challenges. For some, there is the realization few vocations in life can satisfy their them more than the stage; keeping them relentlessly On The VERGE...
Released Date: November 2016
Children of More
Children of More confronts the challenges of primarily African American high school students balancing personal life and low self-esteem. Reading Specialist Timothy Moore introduces the art form of spoken word poetry to help these students overcome their internal battles and connect with a renewed sense of self-worth. What's starts off as a tulmultous poetry slam turns in to so much more...
Released Date: TBD
The Nehemiah Project
The Nehemiah Project chronicles the transformation of 3 young men living in Little Rock, Arkansas recovering from a life of crime, substance abuse, and drug induced incarceration. These young men share their journey of cleaning up their act, their declaration of maintaining sobriety, and find the courage to face their past with the hopes of rebuilding a better future in the very community they once spent their young lives tearing down.
Released Date: TBD
Memphis Driven
Memphis driven spotlights Memphians living all over the world pursuing their dreams in arts, business, culture, and entertainment. Our first stop is Los Angeles, California where we spoke with 30 super taletned M-towners about their move to hollywood and how they use the art of grit and grind to reach the top. Our first season guests include fashion designer Rich Fresh, Entrepreneur Justin Key, Songstress Emi Seacrest, Pop Culture Artist Jesse Jumanji, Musician David Parks, and more...
Released Date: TBD